Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Latest Stats

It's been a long time since I posted any stats, over a year and a half.  Things have been steady over all that time.  Still the occasional in-app purchase, and the occasional user climbing the Legends board catching an impressive number of monsters.  At some point this summer, we started only showing 200 total players on the Legends board, so its not obvious when someone new catches a monster.

Back in June, we ran another (3rd?) Facebook ad.  Right before then, I recorded these stats:

# "active" (not test or failed registration) users in database: 1716
# who have found monsters: 501

So that was almost double the active users from May 2014, or about 2 new users a day.  And appropriately, it was also almost twice the number of people who have found monsters.

Now that its November, another 5 months later, here are the latest stats:

Apple downloads: Apple changed their analytics and I seriously can't find this
Android downloads: 197 current / 1278 lifetime
# "active" (not test or failed registration) users in database: 1845 (not quite 1 per day since June)
# who have found monsters: 536
Monsters found: about 18,000 (about 5x that of May 2014)
Vimeo video views: 1285 (about 2x year and a half ago)
YouTube video views: 787 (in Eric's account: 366)

And the reviews.... seem consistent.  We have about twice as many Android reviews as June 2014, and the average is exactly the same: 3.7

What's interesting is that since May 2014, installs and active users and video views have all about doubled, but total monsters found has gone up 5x.  I think that means we've acquired some passionate users in that time frame.  And the Legends board shows it.  11 people have caught over 500 monsters, 4 over 1000!

And one last interesting stat, 4 of the top 21 players are from Germany, and #'s 22 and 23 are from Belgium!